Calling All Writers and Writing Mentors!
Share your expertise and unique take on hot topics in infectious disease by contributing to
Issues of
Contagion® are published 6 times a year, with editorial oversight by Editor-in-Chief Jason Gallagher, PharmD, FCCP, FIDP, FIDSA, BCPS, as well as a team of dedicated Section Editors who are experts in their field.
Our peer-reviewed publication consists of original, clinically based, infectious disease articles authored by members of the infectious disease community, from trainees to distinguished leaders.
Contagion® is always looking for new contributors, and we’d like to invite you to share your clinical interests with us so that we can align you with an upcoming publishing opportunity, whether it be as an author or a mentor.
You can browse past issues of
Contagion® here for examples of the types of content we publish.
If you’re interested in submitting a topic for consideration or serving as a mentor to a less experienced author, fill in the below fields or email John Parkinson ( for more information.
If you are specifically looking to contribute a case study,
click here.