Giants of Multiple Sclerosis Logo

Nominate Someone Today for a 2025 Giants of Multiple Sclerosis® Award! 

Together as one community, we can raise awareness of multiple sclerosis, and most importantly, recognize and celebrate the individuals who have achieved landmark successes within multiple sclerosis.

Nominate your colleagues and peers today!

Please submit nominations based on your profession.

  • 2025 Nominations are open on August 1, 2024.
  • 2025 Nominations will close on January 31, 2025.
  • The Giants of Multiple Sclerosis® Advisory Board will vet all nominations and determine the 2025 finalists in each category.
  • The Selection Committee will then vote to determine the inductee in each category.
  • Nominees will be selected on the merits of their lifetime of work.
  • One honoree in each category who makes a measurable difference in the lives of patients will be awarded.
  • The 2025 Giants of Multiple Sclerosis® class will be announced in the Spring of 2025.

Nominee Information 

If the specific category you wish to select is not listed above, please choose the “Other” option and note the category in which you would like to submit your nomination. A nomination in a particular category does not automatically constitute a winner in that category.

To review the category definitions, please click here.

Submissions will be judged on information provided, so please be thorough.

Your Details

Required for verification purposes only. We will not distribute your information.